What are The Main Features of Java programming - Online Techopedia

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

What are The Main Features of Java programming

Main Features of Java programming

What are The Main Features of Java programming   

Programming Language

There are two types of programming languages

  • Low-level language
  • High-level Language

High-level languages are user friendly and relatively easy to use.High level programming languages is very closer to human.
Therefore, a high-level language program must be translated into a low-level language. There are many high level programming languages like 
  •  C
  •  C++
  •  Java
  •  C#
  • Visual Basic
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • Scala

Main Features of Java programming 

History of  Java

In 1991, James Gosling and Sun Microsystems began designing a language for home appliances (toasters, TVs, etc.).
Challenging, because home appliances are controlled by many different chips (processors)

In 1994, James Gosling thinks that this language will be very useful for internet browser that could run programs over the Internet.
Sun produced the browser known today as HotJava.

What Are The Main Features of Java programming  


Java is a Platform Independent Language

Java is a Platform Independent Language in which a program runs, obeying its constraints, making use of its facilities.
Java compiler first converts the Java source code to its bytecode. The bytecode can run on any platform such as Window, Linux, Mac/OS etc.
This mean a program is compiled on window can run on Linux and vice-versa

Java is Object Oriented  Programming (OOP) Language

Object-Oriented Programming is a way of organizing programs as collection of objects.
OOP main contains object and class
Object is usually person, place or things (noun)
Class is a category of similar objects (e.g. animal class, vehicle class etc)

The main concept of OOP are:

Hide the details how it works

Data hiding.

Derived some similar properties from the superclass into subclass

The Same word mean different meaning at different places

Java is Simple

Does not have complex features like Multiple inheritances, Pointer, and Explicit memory allocation.

Robust Language

Two main problems that cause program failures are:

  • Memory management mistakes
  • Mishandled Runtime error.
Java handled both of them efficiently

Java Is Secure Language

Java is secure because inside JVM a software is present whose name is security manager whose responsibility is that handle all things if something is happening wrong.so its control/preventing a system

Java is Distributed

Java program can be distributed on more than one system that is connected to each other using network. RMI (Remote Method Invocation)


It enables the program to perform several tasks simultaneously.


The java code can be run anywhere and any machine. Java handles it through garbage collection.Garbage collection automatically de-allocation of objects which are no longer needed.
Mishandle runtime errors are resolved by exception handling procedures.

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