What is Algorithm and why we study - Online Techopedia

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Thursday, November 30, 2017

What is Algorithm and why we study

What is Algorithm
What is Algorithm

What is Algorithm and why we study


An algorithm is a step by step instruction to solve a problem, to get a target output for any acceptable input in a finite amount of time.

The concept of the algorithm comes from the popular mathematician Mohammad Ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi who lived from about 780 to 850.

Why study Algorithm

  • Theoretical  Importance
  • Practical Importance

Theoretical Importance

The Core of Computer science discipline

Practical Importance

Best framework for designing and analysis of an algorithm for new sort of problems.

Study and performance of Algorithm

  • Speed is fun
  • Algorithm help us to understand scalability
  • Performance is currency for computing
  • Contain Efficiency and Complexity

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