What is Public and private IP Addresses in Networking - Online Techopedia

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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

What is Public and private IP Addresses in Networking

 Public and private IP Addresses
 Public and private IP Addresses

what is Public and private IP Addresses

AINA assign the IP(Internet protocol) into class is like class A class B class C Class D Class E , they also divide IP into some public and some private IP addresses . 

Public IP Address

Those people/organization  who want to connect with internet can use below  IP Addresses

Class A  form   1      to  126
Class B  from   128  to  191
Class C  from   192  to  223

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Private IP Address

Those people/organization who don't want  to connect with internet but run  his network on TCP/IP  then IP Addresses is not must to buy for these organizations. They use IP Addresses from these addresses but  to keep anything official IANA define range which is called private IP Addresses

Private IP Addresses

Class A          to
Class B      to
Class C    to

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